“Kirstie’s New Show” revolves around Madison “Maddie” Banks, a renowned Broadway star who finds her life turned upside down when Arlo, the son she gave up at birth, suddenly appears hoping to connect after his adoptive parents have died. However, Maddie doesn’t exactly see nerdy and schlubby Arlo fitting in ...
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Terminée | Américaine | 20 minutes |
Comédie, Comedy | TV Land | 2013 |
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1.08 - Maddie vs. Maddie
Maddie vs. Maddie
Maddie confronts a secret from her past when she runs into the real Madison Banks, a former actress Maddie screwed over to get her big break, who now wants to prove that she should be the Broadway star.
Diffusion originale : 29 janvier 2014
Diffusion française :
29 janvier 2014
Réalisat.eur.rice.s :
Scénariste.s :
Guest.s :
Kristen Johnston